10 Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws hauv Massachusetts
10 Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws hauv Massachusetts

Video: 10 Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws hauv Massachusetts

Video: 10 Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws hauv Massachusetts
Video: 10 lub hav zoov loj tshaj plaws hauv qab ntuj/ Top ten largest forest in the world (Hmong version) 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj
Lifeguard Chair ntawm Coast Guard Beach
Lifeguard Chair ntawm Coast Guard Beach

Puam lovers yuav pom ntau txoj hauv kev hauv Massachusetts. Los ntawm qee qhov suav, muaj ntau dua 65 qhov chaw xaiv los ntawm. Yog li, koj yuav xaiv qhov chaw zoo nkauj waterside rau koj qhov kev lom zem caij ntuj sov li cas? Lub ntug hiav txwv Massachusetts twg yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws? Nov yog saib ntawm qhov chaw sawv cev- thauj koj lub tsheb thauj mus los ntawm ntug hiav txwv thiab tshawb xyuas Massachusetts ntug hiav txwv dej tsim nyog taug kev los ntawm txhua qhov chaw.

Paj Siab Tshaj Plaws: Coast Guard Beach

Coast Guard Beach Zoo tshaj plaws hauv Massachusetts
Coast Guard Beach Zoo tshaj plaws hauv Massachusetts

Xyoo dhau los, lub New England puam uas nkag mus rau Dr. Puam cov npe ntawm 10 Puam hauv Asmeskas yog lub pov haum Cape Cod hauv Eastham, Massachusetts. Coast Guard Beach yog qhov txaus nyiam tshaj plaws thiab muaj zog tshaj plaws ntawm cov xuab zeb nyob rau hauv Cape Cod National Seashore, thiab nws yog qhov mus xyuas tshaj plaws ntawm txhua qhov chaw ua si hauv New England. Thaum lub caij ntuj sov, koj yuav tsum tau caij tsheb thauj mus los ntawm qhov chaw nres tsheb Little Creek kom nkag mus rau lub puam, uas tseem muaj keeb kwm thov kom muaj koob meej. Qhov no yog qhov chaw ntawm Pilgrims thawj qhov chaw tsaws, 65 hnub tom qab cov neeg nrhiav kev ywj pheej no tau caij nkoj los ntawm Askiv. Dej hiav txwv nyob twj ywm nippy ntawm no txhua lub caij ntuj sov, tab sis qhov kev pom ntawm shivering dune grasses thiab lub qub Coast Guard chaw nres tsheb ua rau no ntxhab puam zawv zawg mus rau hauv hiav txwv yog ib tug zoo meej qhov chaw ua.

Ntxim hlub tshajPuam: Good Harbor Beach

Cov menyuam yaus khiav thiab ua si ntawm lub puam
Cov menyuam yaus khiav thiab ua si ntawm lub puam

Gloucester, Massachusetts, tseem yog qhov chaw ua haujlwm ntawm Atlantic seaport, tab sis nws kuj yog qhov chaw zoo ua si ntawm lub puam. Nrog hmoov av dawb xuab zeb thiab invigorating nthwv dej, Zoo Harbor Beach yog lub hnub qub ntawm lub nroog xya lub ntug hiav txwv dej zoo, thiab cov neeg coob coob nyob ntawm no thaum lub caij ntuj sov. Thaum dej ntws tsawg, nws tuaj yeem tawm mus rau S alt Island ntawm tus choj av. Kev pom ntawm Gloucester's Twin Lights ntxiv rau lub puam ntxim nyiam, thiab txawm tias lub caij ntuj no, nws yog qhov chaw zoo nkauj rau taug kev los ntawm hiav txwv. Nyob ntawm Blue Shutters Beachside Inn, thiab koj yog cov kauj ruam los ntawm lub puam zoo nkauj no, uas yog ua tiav los ntawm cov duab qhov rais hauv chav tsev nyob.

The Best Family Beach: Crane Beach

Nrog nws cov xuab zeb mos thiab me ntsis nthwv dej, Crane Beach ua qhov chaw zoo tshaj plaws rau cov tsev neeg uas muaj menyuam yaus
Nrog nws cov xuab zeb mos thiab me ntsis nthwv dej, Crane Beach ua qhov chaw zoo tshaj plaws rau cov tsev neeg uas muaj menyuam yaus

Ntshai nthwv dej thiab mais ntawm cov xuab zeb dawb ua Crane Beach ntawm Crane Estate hauv Ipswich, Massachusetts, lub caij ntuj sov zoo siab rau cov tsev neeg. Muaj ntau qhov ua ntawm no dua li sandcastle-tsev thiab bodysurfing. Taug kev ntau tshaj tsib mais ntawm txoj kev hla dunes thiab raws ntug dej. Ncig saib Lub Tsev Zoo Tshaj Plaws ntawm Castle Hill ntawm Crane Estate, 59-chav tsev tsev tsim hauv xyoo 1928. Yog tias koj nyob ib hmos ntawm Inn ntawm Castle Hill ntawm Crane Estate, koj yuav tau txais kev saj ntawm qhov khoom kim heev seaside nyob zoo li cas. nyob rau hauv thaum ntxov 20th caug xyoo. Ua raws li Crane Beach ntawm Twitter rau cov xov xwm ntawm qhov chaw nres tsheb kaw thiab kev ua si ntawm lub taub hau ntsuab-cov yoov tom no tshwj xeeb tshaj yog nyob rau lub Xya Hli, thiablawv nyiag kev xyiv fab los ntawm ib hnub ntawm lub puam.

Lub Puam Tshwj Xeeb Tshaj Plaws: Hu Nkauj Beach

Hu nkauj Puam hauv Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA
Hu nkauj Puam hauv Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA

In Manchester-by-the-Hiav txwv-the Massachusetts North Shore lub zos ua nto moo los ntawm cov yeeb yaj kiab uas tau txais Casey Affleck ua Oscar-koj yuav pom ib qho ntawm ob peb lub ntiaj teb "hu nkauj" ntug hiav txwv dej. Yog lawm, cov xuab zeb ntawm no (tsawg kawg yog cov xuab zeb qhuav ntawm cov dej) squeaks tawm lub suab hauv qab koj txhais ko taw liab qab thaum koj txav mus. Muaj kev piav qhia txog kev tshawb fawb txog qhov txawv tshwm sim, tab sis nws nyuaj: Cov av noo thiab cov duab, qhov loj me, thiab cov ntsiab lus silica ntawm cov xuab zeb tag nrho ua lub luag haujlwm. Chaw nres tsheb ze ntawm lub puam yog qhov nyuaj thiab kim heev rau lub caij ntuj sov, yog li tuaj txog ntxov lossis xav txog kev caij tsheb ciav hlau los ntawm Boston. Txawm hais tias cov suab paj nruag xuab zeb tau txais tag nrho cov hype, koj tseem yuav txaus siab rau cov dej ntshiab thiab pob zeb pob zeb uas bookend lub puam ib nrab mais.

Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws Boston Beach: Spectacle Island

Spectacle Island Beach hauv Boston
Spectacle Island Beach hauv Boston

Yog, muaj ib lub puam feeb los ntawm plawv nroog Boston. Tsis txhob hnov qab tias nws yog 20 feeb ferry mus los ntawm lub tebchaws loj. Qhov ntawd tsuas yog lub sijhawm txaus los tshem tawm cov kev ntxhov siab ntawm lub nroog nyob lossis mus ncig thiab hloov mus rau hom kob. Los ntawm lub hiav txwv lifeguarded ntawm Spectacle Island-ib qho ntawm cov chaw nrov tshaj plaws hauv Boston Harbor Islands National thiab State Park-koj yuav saib rov qab ntawm qhov zoo nkauj ntawm Boston angular skyline tab sis xav tias lub ntiaj teb nyob deb. Lub nroog pov tseg los ntawm xyoo 1920 txog rau xyoo 1959, Spectacle Island tau capped nrog 3.7 lab cubic yards ntawm "Big Dig" av thaum lub sijhawmkev ua tiav ntawm lub nroog lub npe nrov infrastructure project. Tam sim no, nws yog ib zaj dab neeg ua tiav ib puag ncig thiab qhov chaw lom zem rau kev ua luam dej hauv nroog.

The Best Island Puam: Madaket Beach

Madaket Harbor thaum tsaus ntuj
Madaket Harbor thaum tsaus ntuj

Nantucket yog lub tsev rau qee qhov East ntug dej hiav txwv zoo tshaj plaws ntawm cov xuab zeb, yog li thaum koj taug kev mus rau qhov ntawd, koj yuav xav ua kom pom ntau lub ntug hiav txwv dej: txhua qhov qhib dawb rau pej xeem. Txhua tus muaj nws txoj kev nyiam, tab sis muaj qee yam hais txog Madaket uas ua rau nws tsis tuaj yeem ploj mus. Cov nthwv dej no qus heev ntawm no, koj zoo dua rau kev txaus siab rau lub zog zoo dua li dhia mus rau hauv cov tshuaj tsuag. Nqa ntses tacos ntawm Millie's, nthuav tawm ib daim pam, thiab nyob twj ywm rau qhov zoo tshaj plaws hnub poob qhia ntawm Nantucket.

The Best Lake Beach: Princess Beach

Lub pas dej ntoo-ringed puam no yog nyob deb ntawm Cape Cod cov neeg coob coob ntawm ntug hiav txwv
Lub pas dej ntoo-ringed puam no yog nyob deb ntawm Cape Cod cov neeg coob coob ntawm ntug hiav txwv

Yuav ua li cas yog tias koj tsis yog tus kiv cua ntsev? Massachusetts xa tawm ntawm ntug dej hiav txwv, ib yam nkaus, nrog cov ntug hiav txwv dej txawm nyob hauv plawv ntawm ntug hiav txwv dej hiav txwv zoo li Cape Cod. Ua ntej koj tau txais koj qhov kho dej tshiab ntawm Princess Beach hauv Dennis, Massachusetts, nce lub 1901 Scargo Tower nyob ze Scargo Hill Road. Nyob rau hnub ntshiab, koj tuaj yeem pom kom deb li deb ntawm Provincetown los ntawm sab saum toj ntawm lub staircase winding, thiab koj yuav txaus siab rau qhov ze koj nyob rau hauv hiav txwv li koj frolic nyob rau hauv cov dej sov ntawm Scargo Lake. Lub puam me me hauv hav zoov no yog lwm txoj hauv kev uas koj tab tom nrhiav yog tias koj xav siv sijhawm ib hnub nyob ntsiag to nuv ntses, ntab, picnicking, lossis nyeem ntawv.

The Most Happening Beach: Revere Beach

Amazingly crafted xuab zeb sculptures ntawm lub puam thaum lub sij hawm International Sand Sculpting Festival
Amazingly crafted xuab zeb sculptures ntawm lub puam thaum lub sij hawm International Sand Sculpting Festival

Yog tias koj txaus siab rau lub puam uas muaj ntau yam ua ntau dua li hnub so, mus rau Asmeskas lub puam qub tshaj plaws. Tsim los ntawm xyoo 1896, Revere Beach hauv Revere, Massachusetts, yog lub hauv paus rau ntau yam xwm txheej suav nrog Kite Festival hauv lub Tsib Hlis, International Sand Sculpting Festival txhua lub Xya Hli, Bocce ntawm Puam, thiab lub caij nplooj zeeg txhua xyoo uas muaj cov Pumpkin Dash 5K.. Noj kiteboarding zaj lus qhia nrog New England Kite Tsev Kawm Ntawv rau kev zoo siab, tawm ntawm lub hnub qub ntawm lub puam.

The Best Birdwatching Puam: Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

Cov noog tuaj rau lub puam ntawm Parker River Wildlife Refuge ntawm Massachusetts 'Plum Island
Cov noog tuaj rau lub puam ntawm Parker River Wildlife Refuge ntawm Massachusetts 'Plum Island

Qee lub sij hawm, lub puam ntawm Plum Island, Massachusetts, cov tsiaj qus sanctuary cia mus rau cov noog. Nyob rau lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav, thaum piping plovers tuaj txog rau yug thiab zes, cov tsiaj raug hem no tau txais kev thaj yeeb nyab xeeb, thiab cov qhua raug txwv los ntawm feem ntau ntawm lub puam. Yog li, npaj koj qhov kev mus ntsib tom ntej hauv lub xyoo, thiab nqa lub koob yees duab. Qhov chaw nkaum 4, 500+ daim av ntsev marsh nyiam migrating shorebirds, songbirds thiab waterfowl.

The Best Hidden Beach: Bound Brook Island Beach

Yog, tsis muaj neeg coob coob nyob hauv Cape Cod ntug hiav txwv muaj nyob - koj tsuas yog xav paub lawv qhov chaw zais cia. Hauv Wellfleet, qhov tsim nyog nrhiav tau yog Bound Brook Island Beach, thiab koj yuav xav ntim lub thawv txias txias uas muaj cov khoom siv vim tias tsis muaj qhov khoom noj txom ncauj ntawm no. Teem koj GPS rauLub Tsev Atwood-Higgins ntawm Bound Brook Island Road. Los ntawm qhov ntawd, koj yuav txuas ntxiv raws txoj kev nqaim av mus rau qhov chaw nres tsheb uas tsuas muaj ob peb lub tsheb xwb. Taug kev mus rau saum toj roob hauv pes xuab zeb, thiab boom-koj tab tom saib ntawm Cape Cod Bay puam paub rau cov neeg hauv zos. Sunsets, nrog rau qhov kawg ntawm Provincetown saib, yog qhov zoo heev los ntawm qhov chaw ntsiag to thiab thaj chaw deb ntawm cov xuab zeb.

Pom zoo: