Celebrity Solstice Cruise: Noj mov thiab zaub mov
Celebrity Solstice Cruise: Noj mov thiab zaub mov

Video: Celebrity Solstice Cruise: Noj mov thiab zaub mov

Video: Celebrity Solstice Cruise: Noj mov thiab zaub mov
Video: Celebrity Cruises: 3 Biggest Watch-Outs Before Cruising With them 2024, Cuaj hlis

Cov kab nrov nrov ntawm cov nkoj caij nkoj muaj lub koob npe nrov rau nws cov zaub mov zoo. Piv txwv li, Celebrity Solstice ib leeg muaj 170 tus kws ua zaub mov ua haujlwm 24 teev hauv ib hnub los muab 12,000 pluas noj ib hnub rau cov neeg caij tsheb thiab cov neeg coob. Nyob rau ib lub lis piam caij nkoj, cov kws ua zaub mov nqa cov khoom zoo tshaj plaws rau ntau tshaj 75,000 phaus txiv hmab txiv ntoo tshiab, 20,000 phaus qos yaj ywm thiab 15,000 phaus ntawm tag nrho cov qaib.

Lub Solstice yog ib qho ntawm tsib lub nkoj Solstice-chav kawm tam sim no uas tuaj yeem nqa 3,000 tus neeg caij tsheb. Lwm lub nkoj muaj xws li Equinox, Eclipse, Silhouette, thiab Reflection. Lub nkoj Solstice yuav luag zoo ib yam hauv kev teeb tsa thiab nta suav nrog nws cov kev xaiv noj mov.

Thaum caij nkoj, CelebrityLife Savor Program nthuav qhia zaub mov thiab dej haus rau cov neeg caij tsheb. Qhov no suav nrog kev ua yeeb yam zoo li cupcake decorating lossis sushi ua, kev ncig ua si, kev sib tw ua noj ua haus, nrog rau zaub mov thiab dej haus tastings. Lub rooj cob qhia cawv thiab ntau yam dej cawv tastings tuaj ntawm tus nqi ntxiv.

Imbibing cawv thaum caij nkoj feem ntau tuaj ntawm tus nqi ntxiv. Celebrity muab ntau pob dej haus rau kev yuav khoom. Cov pob khoom kim tshaj plaws yog "khoom kim heev," uas suav nrog cov dej qab zib tsis txwv, cov kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo, cov tshuaj yej tshwj xeeb thiab kas fes, smoothies, dej fwj, npias, cawv los ntawm khob, ntau yam cocktails, dab,thiab dej khov. Lwm cov pob khoom suav nrog rau cov pas dej da dej lossis dej hauv lub raj mis.

Lub nkoj muaj 10 qhov kev xaiv noj mov.

Grand Epernay Tsev noj mov

Celebrity Solstice Grand Epernay Tsev noj mov
Celebrity Solstice Grand Epernay Tsev noj mov

Lub beige thiab dawb Grand Epernay Tsev noj mov yog lub tsev noj mov loj rau lub nkoj. Nws yog lub npe hu rau lub nroog Epernay, uas yog nyob rau hauv lub Champagne cheeb tsam ntawm Fabkis. Lub tsev noj mov zoo li champagne nyob tom qab ntawm decks 3 thiab 4 nrog cov chandeliers zoo li bubbly.

The Grand Epernay muaj qhib rooj zaum rau pluas tshais feem ntau hnub thiab peb xaiv rau noj hmo-ob qhov rooj zaum zaum kawg ntawm 6 teev tsaus ntuj. thiab 8:30 p.m.-thiab Celebrity-xaiv, uas yog Celebrity's version ntawm qhib rooj noj hmo. Cov qhua yuav tsum xaiv qhov ruaj los yog xaiv qhov chaw zaum ua ntej lawv caij nkoj. Celebrity-xaiv qhib rooj yog starboard ntawm lawj 4 ntawm 5:45 txog 9:30 teev tsaus ntuj

Ntau yam zoo li lwm cov kab caij nkoj, Grand Epernay muaj cov ntawv qhia tshwj xeeb, ntau chav kawm rau ib lub rooj zaum. Ib qho piv txwv xaiv cov zaub mov muaj xws li escargot, gazpacho, cw cocktail, kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo, thiab crepes nrog chocolate-sprinkled bananas.

Lub npe nrov brunch buffet muaj tag nrho cov txheej txheem noj tshais nrog rau Belgian waffles, omelets, thiab qe Benedict. Lub sumptuous sumptuous kis tau muaj xws li sushi, carving chaw nres tsheb, ntau yam zaub xam lav, thiab ib tug chocolate fountain nrog txiv hmab txiv ntoo rau dipping.

Murano Tsev noj mov

Celebrity Solstice Murano Tsev noj mov
Celebrity Solstice Murano Tsev noj mov

Murano yog lub tsev noj mov Fabkis niaj hnub ntawm lub lawj 5, thiab lub tsev noj mov tshwj xeeb tshaj plawsonboard nrog tus nqi ntxiv rau ib tus neeg. Lub tsev noj mov zoo tshaj no yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau kev ua koob tsheej tshwj xeeb lossis noj hmo ntsiag to romantic.

Menu xaiv suav nrog foie gras, qhov nrov heev tshis cheese appetizer, lobster thiab steak surf thiab turf, thiab txiv kab ntxwv liqueur souffle ua nrog Grand Marnier.

Celebrity Solstice - Silk Harvest Restaurant

Celebrity Solstice Silk Harvest Restaurant
Celebrity Solstice Silk Harvest Restaurant

Rau cov neeg caij nkoj uas nyiam zaub mov los ntawm Tuam Tshoj, Nyiv, thiab Thaib teb, Silk Harvest tshwj xeeb lub tsev noj mov ntawm lawj 5 muaj kev noj mov hauv tsev neeg Asian.

Kev xaiv suav nrog cov phaj me me nrog cov kev xaiv xws li lotus chicken lettuce wraps los yog cw thiab scallop dumplings, ntau yam sushi yob, thiab loj, sib faib phaj ntawm nqaij nyug chow mein, ntsim pad Thaib thiab ntsuab curry do-fried nqaij npuas. Rau cov khoom qab zib, koj tuaj yeem sim ua ib qho ntawm cov dej khov mochi (ntsuab tshuaj yej, txiv nkhaus taw, thiab strawberry) los yog tshuaj yej ntsuab qhiav parfait nrog lychees.

Tuscan Grille

Celebrity Solstice Tuscan Grille
Celebrity Solstice Tuscan Grille

Nyob tom qab ntawm lawj 5, Tuscan Grille yog Italian-inspired steakhouse cov tsev noj mov tshwj xeeb nrog kev pom zoo ntawm lub nkoj.

Yog cov steak tartare lossis kib calamari yog cov zaub mov nyiam, koj yuav zoo siab. Lwm cov zaub mov xaiv xws li cioppino nqaij nruab deg stew, spaghetti bolognese, thiab Tuscan ribeye steak. Rau cov hniav qab zib, toffee pannacotta thiab tiramisu yog cov yeej meej.


Celebrity Solstice Blu
Celebrity Solstice Blu

Blu yog lub tsev noj mov tshwj xeeb ntawmdeck 5 mob siab rau cov neeg caij tsheb nyob hauv AquaSpa staterooms. Raws li qhov muaj, suite cov neeg caij tsheb kuj tuaj yeem noj mov ntawm Blu. Lub tsev noj mov muaj kev sib raug zoo, qhib rooj zaum thiab nta cov nqi noj qab haus huv uas muaj calorie ntau dua. Blu muaj cov khoom noj khoom haus ib txwm muaj, yog li koj tuaj yeem xaiv cov kev xaiv noj qab haus huv lossis ntau dua decadent muab xws li filet mignon.

AquaSpa Cafe

Celebrity Solstice AquaSpa Cafe
Celebrity Solstice AquaSpa Cafe

Lub AquaSpa Cafe ua haujlwm sib zog, noj qab nyob zoo rau pluas tshais thiab pluas su. Nws yog nyob rau hauv cov laus-tsuas yog sab hauv tsev solarium pas dej ua ke, uas muaj ib tug ntsiag to cua. Lwm qhov perk, koj tuaj yeem lob tom hauv koj lub cev khaub ncaws thiab tsis tas yuav tawm hauv koj lub pas dej.

Bistro on Tsib

Celebrity Solstice Bistro ntawm Tsib
Celebrity Solstice Bistro ntawm Tsib

Bistro on Tsib yog ib qho zaub xam lav, qhaub cij, thiab qab zib thiab savory crepe noj qhov chaw ntawm lawj 5 nrog rau ib tus neeg ntxiv. Txij li nws feem ntau qhib 20 teev ib hnub (6 teev sawv ntxov txog 2 teev sawv ntxov), nws muaj lwm txoj hauv kev rau pluas tshais, noj su, noj su, lossis noj hmo.

Stellar khoom qab zib crepes txaus siab rau ntau qhov tsw palattes-dulce de leche, Grand Marnier thiab candied txiv kab ntxwv, thiab Nutella, txiv tsawb, thiab pistachio.

Mast Grill

Celebrity Solstice - Mast Grill
Celebrity Solstice - Mast Grill

Rau kev so, noj mov sab nraum zoov koj yuav pom Mast Grill noj cov khoom noj ceev xws li hamburgers, hot dogs, grilled qaib, thiab French fries.

Oceanview Cafe

Celebrity Solstice - Oceanview Cafe
Celebrity Solstice - Oceanview Cafe

Lub dav, kaj Oceanview Cafe yog lub nkojLub tsev noj mov 24-teev buffet, uas muaj lub koob npe nrov ua ib lub tsev noj mov zoo tshaj plaws hauv hiav txwv. Lub tsev noj mov muaj ntau qhov chaw xaj khoom, yog li koj tsis tshua muaj kab tshwj tsis yog tias koj tab tom sib sau ua ke omelet ua rau noj tshais. Tsis tas li ntawd, muaj qhov chaw zaum sab nraum qab ntawm lub café.

Rau pluas tshais, koj tuaj yeem pom koj nyiam ib txwm. Rau pluas su thiab noj hmo, koj tuaj yeem xaiv cov kua zaub, zaub xam lav, chaw nres tsheb, cov kws ua zaub mov tshwj xeeb, thiab cov zaub mov thoob ntiaj teb nrog Indian, Italian, thiab Mexican delights.

Cafe al Bacio thiab Gelateria

Celebrity Eclipse - Cafe al Bacio
Celebrity Eclipse - Cafe al Bacio

Cafe al Bacio thiab Gelateria ntawm lawj 5 tau txais kev tshoov siab los ntawm European cafes muab lub la carte tshwj xeeb kas fes, tshuaj yej, pastries, thiab ib qho qhabnias Gelateria nrog cov txuj ci txuj ci thiab cov txiv hmab txiv ntoo tshiab.

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