Celebrity Reflection - Noj mov thiab zaub mov txheej txheem
Celebrity Reflection - Noj mov thiab zaub mov txheej txheem

Video: Celebrity Reflection - Noj mov thiab zaub mov txheej txheem

Video: Celebrity Reflection - Noj mov thiab zaub mov txheej txheem
Video: Наслаждайтесь Кансай, Япония! Осака, Киото, японская кухня, булочки на пару, Марио, Гарри Поттер! 2024, Cuaj hlis
Celebrity Reflection Opus Tsev noj mov
Celebrity Reflection Opus Tsev noj mov

Cov kev xaiv noj mov ntawm Celebrity Reflection yuav luag zoo ib yam rau Celebrity Silhouette dining venues. Qhov ntawd yog qhov zoo vim tias cov khw noj mov thiab cov khw noj mov xws li yog qee qhov chaw zoo tshaj plaws.

Nkauj qhuas vajtswv muaj ntau lub chaw noj mov. Thawj yim lub tsev noj mov muaj tus nqi ntxiv lossis tsuas yog qhib rau cov qhua (Blu). Rau muaj tus nqi tas, thiab Cafe al Bacio & Gelateria muaj tus nqi la carte.

  • Murano Tsev noj mov
  • Blu Restaurant
  • Qsine Restaurant
  • Tuscan Grille Tsev noj mov
  • The Lawn Club Grill
  • Bistro on Tsib
  • Cafe al Bacio & Gelateria

plaub qhov chaw noj mov no tsis muaj nqi ntxiv thiab muaj rau txhua tus qhua thiab chav suite.

  • Opus Tsev noj mov
  • Oceanview Cafe
  • AquaSpa Cafe
  • Mast Grill

Ntxiv rau cov chaw noj mov uas tau teev tseg saum toj no, Celebrity Reflection kuj muaj chav pabcuam 24-teev.

Murano Tsev noj mov

Tsev noj mov Murano ntawm Celebrity Reflection nkoj nkoj
Tsev noj mov Murano ntawm Celebrity Reflection nkoj nkoj

Celebrity's Murano Tsev noj mov muaj classic, elegant décor nrog Continental cuisine thiab tshwj xeeb kev pab cuam. Leej twgleej twg nyiam noj mov zoo yuav txaus siab noj ntawm Murano ntawm Celebrity Reflection. Reservation yuav tsum tau thiab muaj tus nqi ntxiv.

Cov noj mov hauv Murano yuav tsum sim cov tshis cheese souffle, khib ntawm yaj, lobster, thiab Grand Marnier souffle rau khoom qab zib.

Blu Restaurant

Blu Tsev noj mov ntawm Celebrity Reflection nkoj nkoj
Blu Tsev noj mov ntawm Celebrity Reflection nkoj nkoj

Ntau tus neeg uas xaiv nyob hauv AquaClass cabins lossis suites ntawm Celebrity Reflection nyiam siv lawv lub caij so caij nkoj rau spa pampering thiab ua kom haum. Lub Tsev Noj Mov Blu, uas tshwj xeeb hauv "kev noj zaub mov huv", yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws rau cov qhua AquaClass. Lub tsev noj mov no ua haujlwm rau ntau yam kev nyiam tab sis siv zog ua kom cov calories qis los ntawm kev siv cov khoom qab zib, qis-calorie lwm cov kua ntses thiab cov khoom xyaw.

Txawm hais tias AquaClass cov qhua tuaj yeem siv Blu nkaus xwb rau pluas tshais thiab noj hmo, lwm cov qhua tuaj yeem tso cai rau cov ntawv xaj hauv tsev noj mov yog tias muaj chaw nyob.

Qsine Restaurant

Celebrity Reflection - Qsine Tsev noj mov
Celebrity Reflection - Qsine Tsev noj mov

Qsine yog ib lub tsev noj mov tshiab tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv hiav txwv, thiab cov qhua ib txwm tawm ntawm qhov chaw tham txog cov khoom noj khoom haus zoo siab uas lawv tau qhia. Ntxiv nrog rau Celebrity Reflection, cov neeg caij nkoj ntawm Celebrity Eclipse thiab Celebrity Silhouette kuj tuaj yeem txaus siab rau Qsine. Cov ntawv qhia zaub mov yog tsim los ntawm ntau lub tais me me, zoo kawg nkaus tsim rau kev saj. lom zem heev. Reservation yuav tsum tau thiab muaj tus nqi ntxiv.

Tuscan Grille Tsev noj mov

CelebrityReflection - Tuscan Grille Tsev noj mov
CelebrityReflection - Tuscan Grille Tsev noj mov

Tuscan Grille yog Celebrity Reflection's Italian steakhouse tshwj xeeb tsev noj mov. Cov antipasto thiab prosciutto yog cov pib qab, thiab nws lom zem kom muaj Caesar zaub xam lav ua tableside. Tuscan Grille nyob tom qab ntawm lawj 5 thiab muaj qhov zoo nkauj ntawm hiav txwv. Lub tsev noj mov yuav tsum tau reservation thiab muaj tus nqi ntxiv.

Lawn Club Grill

Celebrity Reflection - Lawn Club Grill
Celebrity Reflection - Lawn Club Grill

The Lawn Club Grill yog Celebrity's newest restaurant. Nws yog thawj zaug ntxiv rau Celebrity Silhouette thiab tau nrov heev uas cov kab caij nkoj kuj ntxiv nws rau Celebrity Reflection.

The Lawn Club Grill yog sab nraum zoov thiab ua si, thiab zaub mov lom zem thiab qab. Ib tus neeg hauv txhua tog dhau los ua Grillmaster thiab muaj lub sijhawm los npaj cov zaub mov (nrog kev pab los ntawm ib tus kws ua zaub mov). Txawm hais tias cov khoom noj grilled yog lub hnub qub ntawm qhov chaw noj mov no, cov pizzas flatbread thiab kub blueberry cobbler nrog ice cream yog deservedly nrov. Lub tsev noj mov tshwj xeeb no yuav tsum tau xaj thiab muaj tus nqi ntxiv.

Celebrity Reflection - Lub Plawv
Celebrity Reflection - Lub Plawv

Lub Qab Zib qhib rau noj tshais thiab noj su ntawm Celebrity Reflection. Nyob ib sab ntawm Lawn Club, nws yog ib qho chaw noj mov zoo nrog rau tus nqi me me. Noj tshais thiab noj su paninis yog ob qho tib si zoo heev. Tsis tas yuav booking.

Bistro on Tsib

Celebrity Reflection - Bistro ntawm Tsib
Celebrity Reflection - Bistro ntawm Tsib

Bistro on Tsib yog tus Celebrity Reflection'screperie. Nws lom zem saib cov kws ua zaub mov hauv chav ua noj qhib tom haujlwm. Lawv ua crepe-ua kom yooj yim heev! Txij li thaum lub bistro qhib thaum 6 teev sawv ntxov txog rau thaum yav tsaus ntuj, nws yog ib qho kev xaiv zoo rau cov neeg uas nyiam noj mov ntawm lub sijhawm khib lossis cov uas nyiam noj khoom txom ncauj. Muaj tus nqi ntxiv me me, tab sis tsis tas yuav tsum tau tshwj tseg.

Cafe al Bacio & Gelateria

Celebrity Reflection - Cafe al Bacio & Gelateria
Celebrity Reflection - Cafe al Bacio & Gelateria

Zoo li Bistro, Cafe al Bacio & Gelateria nyob rau ntawm lawj 5 ntawm Celebrity Reflection. Qhov chaw zoo li no muaj tus nqi la carte thiab muab cov ncuav qab zib tshiab, kas fes tshwj xeeb thiab tshuaj yej, tom qab noj hmo haus, thiab gelati.

Opus Tsev noj mov

Celebrity Reflection Opus Resaurant
Celebrity Reflection Opus Resaurant

Lub Tsev Noj Mov Opus yog lub npe ntawm chav noj mov tseem ceeb ntawm Celebrity Reflection. Zoo li nws tus viv ncaus nkoj hauv chav kawm Solstice, lub tsev noj mov no yog ib chav noj mov zoo nkauj tshaj plaws hauv hiav txwv. Kuv nyiam lub chandelier thiab lub loj loj ob-zaj dab neeg iav cawv ntauwd. Nws tsuas yog qhov chaw zoo nkauj thiab muaj qhov rooj rau 1, 460.

Txoj cai hnav khaub ncaws sib txawv txhua hmo ntawm Opus Tsev noj mov. Cov qhua yuav tsum nco ntsoov thiab xyuas lawv cov "Celebrity Today" kev pab cuam txhua hnub rau kev hnav khaub ncaws. Tsis muaj nqi ntxiv rau noj mov hauv Opus Tsev Noj Mov, thiab cov qhua tuaj yeem xaiv los ntawm ob qho tib si zaum zaum (ob zaug sib txawv) lossis Celebrity Select Dining, uas yog qhib rooj.

Oceanview Cafe

Celebrity Reflection - Oceanview Cafe
Celebrity Reflection - Oceanview Cafe

The Oceanview Cafe yog Celebrity Reflection's buffettsev noj mov. Nyob rau ntawm lawj 14 aft, qhov chaw xws li muaj ntau yam khoom noj thoob ntiaj teb. Qhib rau peb pluas noj txhua hnub thiab tsaus ntuj, cov chaw sib txawv muab cov khoom xws li cov nplej zom, do-fry, pizza thiab sushi, thiab tag nrho cov zaub xam lav ntawm noj su noj hmo. Cov pluas tshais muaj xws li cov qe ua noj, pancakes, waffles, thiab tag nrho cov zaub mov noj tshais. Nrog lub qab nthab siab thiab ntau qhov rais, Oceanview Cafe nyob mus txog nws lub npe. Lub tsev noj mov kuj muaj chaw zaum sab nraum qab ntawm lub lawj 14.

Txuas ntxiv mus rau 11 ntawm 12 hauv qab no. >

AquaSpa Cafe

Celebrity Reflection - AquaSpa Cafe
Celebrity Reflection - AquaSpa Cafe

Lub AquaSpa Cafe yog qhov yooj yim nyob hauv Solarium ntawm lawj 14 ntawm Celebrity Reflection. Lub café muaj lub teeb thiab noj qab haus huv noj tshais nrog rau kev noj qab haus huv-lwm yam noj su buffet. Tsis muaj nqi ntxiv rau noj hmo ntawm AquaSpa Cafe.

txuas ntxiv mus rau 12 ntawm 12 hauv qab no. >

Mast Grill

Celebrity Reflection - Mast Grill
Celebrity Reflection - Mast Grill

Qee lub sij hawm thaum caij nkoj, txhua yam koj xav tau noj su yog hamburger lossis kub dev thiab qee cov fries fries. Ntawm Celebrity Reflection, cov qhua yuav tsum mus rau Mast Grill, uas yog qhib rau pluas su thiab yav tav su. Nws yog qhov chaw zoo rau noj su lossis noj su thaum tav su.

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