Review of Cactus Juice Natural Sun and Bug Protectant
Review of Cactus Juice Natural Sun and Bug Protectant

Video: Review of Cactus Juice Natural Sun and Bug Protectant

Video: Review of Cactus Juice Natural Sun and Bug Protectant
Video: These GIANT Lawn Worms will give you nightmares. With @theunblockersaus 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj
Cactus Juice khoom
Cactus Juice khoom

Kab thiab tshav ntuj tuaj yeem rhuav tshem txhua qhov kev mus pw hav zoov zoo. ua tsaug muaj ntau txoj hauv kev los tiv thaiv koj tus kheej los ntawm lub hnub thiab pesky tom kab xws li yoov tshaj cum thiab nas. Yog tias koj tab tom nrhiav cov tshuaj tua kab mob thiab tiv thaiv tshav ntuj muaj ntau cov tshuaj ntsuab raws li potions thiab tshuaj pleev, yog li koj tsis tas yuav tshuaj tsuag tshuaj rau ntawm koj daim tawv nqaij uas yuav ua rau koj mob. Ib txoj hauv kev zoo tshaj plaws kom tsis txhob kis kab mob kom koj tuaj yeem muaj kev mus pw hav zoov yooj yim yog siv cov khoom ntuj xws li cov kua txiv cactus raws cov kab mob.

Los ntawm Cactus Juice: "Muaj ntau tus neeg siv cov kua txiv cactus ua cov tshuaj tua kab mob rau tshav kub hnyiab, ntsaum tom, muv stings, me me txiav thiab kub hnyiab. Tag nrho cov Cactus Juice khoom muaj natural cactus extract. Cov tshuaj tua kab mob thiab tshuaj tua kab mob ntuj tsim. Cactus Juice cov khoom lag luam tsis muaj DEET! Yog li ntawd, lawv muaj kev nyab xeeb rau menyuam yaus, nyab xeeb rau tsiaj, nyab xeeb rau kev siv txhua hnub, thiab nyab xeeb rau lub pob zeb."

Ntawm no yog peb qhov kev paub siv SPF20 Cactus Juice Sun thiab Skin Outdoor Protectant, uas yog cov tshuaj pleev thaiv hnub thiab kev sib xyaw ntawm cactus extract, emollients, thiab moisturizers uas tiv thaiv kab dav dav: yoov tshaj cum, tsis pom- ums, yoov daj, xuab zeb fleas, yoov dub, taub hau ntsuab, mos lwj yoov,chiggers and ticks.

Txoj kab hauv qab

Cactus Juice Sun and Skin Outdoor Protectant repels yoov, gnats, yoov, thiab naseum. Nws los nrog lossis tsis muaj SPF 20 tshuaj pleev thaiv hnub, thiab nws ua kom cov tawv nqaij qhuav qhuav. Cactus Juice tsis siv DEET lossis lwm yam tshuaj phem, yog li nws muaj kev nyab xeeb rau menyuam yaus. Nws yog tsim los ntawm kev sib xyaw ntawm prickly pear cactus extract, emollients, thiab moisturizers thiab tuaj hauv 8 oz. thiab 2.5 oz. fwj.

zoo tshaj plaws:

  • tiv thaiv yoov tshaj cum, yoov, thiab naseum
  • tshuaj pleev thaiv hnub nruab nrab nrog SPF 20 tshuaj pleev thaiv hnub
  • tshuaj tsuag tuaj yam tsis muaj tshuaj pleev thaiv hnub thiab nws zoo rau yav tsaus ntuj
  • moisturizes thiab soothes tawv nqaij qhuav
  • nyab xeeb rau menyuam yaus, tsis muaj DEET lossis lwm yam tshuaj phem
  • tawm tsis muaj oily residue

Kev Paub Txog Tus Kheej Nrog Cactus Juice Sun and Skin Outdoor Protectant

Kuv tau nthwv dej ntawm ntug dej hiav txwv sab nraud ntawm NC thaum lub Cuaj Hlis plaub xyoos dhau los. Cov cua ntsawj tsis yog lawm, thiab cov yoov ntsuab tau ua phem heev. Txij li thaum kuv tsuas yog qhov cuam tshuam ntawm lawv thiab kev tuag los ntawm kev poob dej, tsis ntev kuv tau los ua lawv qhov chaw nkaum. Cov yoov ntsuab muaj qhov mob tom, thiab lawv tawm ntawm qhov mob hnyav. Kuv yog ib tug neeg nuv ntses uas txiav txim siab, tab sis hnub no cov yoov ntsuab tau yeej. Hauv qab lub puam yog ib tug neeg nuv ntses kho siab, thiab los ntawm qhov zoo ntawm nws, cov yoov tsis thab nws. Peb nug nws vim li cas, thiab nws hais tias nws siv Cactus Juice, qee yam tshiab uas nyuam qhuav tuaj hauv khw muag khoom. Nws cia peb sim ib co thiab kom txaus, cov yoov tau tso peb ib leeg thiab yog li yoov tshaj cum. Cactus Kua txivua haujlwm tiag tiag.

Cactus Juice yog tam sim no muag nrog cov ntawv sau tshiab, tab sis cov mis yog tib yam li tus thawj kuv sim. Cactus Juice tsim nyog ib qho chaw hauv txhua lub thawv.

Ntau Txoj Kev Cia Kab Ntsig

  • Tsis txhob hnav cov tshuaj tsw qab thiab tshuaj tsw qab ntau dhau. Koj tsuas yog nyiam cov kab rau koj tus kheej xwb.
  • Hnav lub tes tsho ntev thiab ris kom tiv thaiv koj cov tawv nqaij.
  • Bug hlub dej khov. Nyob deb ntawm thaj chaw ntub dej xws li nyom thiab pas dej.
  • Kua koj qhov chaw pw hav zoov kom huv si ntawm cov zaub mov tsis hnov tsw.
  • Pib tua hluav taws lossis siv yoov tshaj cum thaum muaj kab mob hnyav xws li tsaus ntuj thiab kaj ntug.

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